the gritty canvas

a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

because battling cancer takes grit,

we’re creating community.

A free therapeutic community art group

By local cancer survivors, for local cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.



Who is the Gritty Canvas for?


The Gritty Canvas was created for adult cancer patients, survivors and caregivers in and around Hamilton and Oxford, OH.

Participants are encouraged to express themselves using various artistic mediums, starting with watercolor techniques. The studio offers prompt-based instruction led by engaging instructors who’ve been through treatment and understand the unique challenges faced by those affected by cancer.


What does the Gritty Canvas do?


Once a week, participants will meet and create their own interpretation of the week’s prompt. First time participants will receive a small, refillable “art kit” designed for making art at anytime, not just at our meetings.

Every session is designed to foster a sense of community. It's a place where individuals can come together and create something beautiful. The art created in the studio is not just a testament to the strength and courage of its creators, but also a beacon of hope for others on their journey.


What happens with the art?


The Gritty Canvas will host regular exhibitions and events to showcase the incredible work of its participants, as well as rotating pieces on display in the "bell hall" of the infusion center at Ft. Hamilton Cancer Center, raising awareness and inspiring others in the community.


Is the Gritty Canvas only for artists?


No. Any and all skill-levels are welcome and encouraged. The benefits of creating art do not have prerequisites.

Through art, we’re able to communicate feelings that words often cannot capture, creating a profound impact on both the creators and those who view their work.


Do we talk about cancer?


Yes and no.

The point of the group is to provide a space that is non-clinical, where participants can connect with other people who are affected by cancer. Sometimes this means the topic will come up, especially as a means to support each other. But cancer will not be the focus of our meetings.

Cohort #1 - June 15-July 20

how we meet needs

effort one

To provide free, geographically convenient social programming, by the cancer community for the cancer community

effort two

To provide support for rare cancers and additional support for more common diagnoses.

effort three

To provide non-medical community support through therapeutic art which provides the benefits of skill acquisition, camaraderie, mental well-being and emotional expression.

how you can help

Donate to The Gritty Canvas

Email us for info on joining!


The Gritty Canvas accepts donations through Givebutter! It's a user-friendly spot where your support can truly make a difference. Whether you've supported us from the beginning, or you're dropping by for the first time, I want you to feel right at home contributing to a cause that’s so close to my heart (literally and figuratively). Every bit of your support fuels our creative endeavors and helps me support those impacted by cancer in the Greater Miami Valley. Feel free to have a look around and, if you're moved to do so, leave a little (or big) tax-deductable contribution using the link below!

Please navigate to our donation page here.

I'm so excited to see what magic our groups can create with your support. Thanks for being awesome, and believing in the healing power of creativity!

The Gritty Canvas is 501(c)(3) registered. Your donations are tax deductible.

The Gritty Canvas is also Silver Seal verified through Guidestar for 2024; we have an ongoing commitment to transparency.

about the gritty canvas

Brush Splash Frame

Janice Hudson, Ph.D.

Young Breast Cancer Survivor, Founder, Executive Director, and Instructor

Janice’s mission is to provide free therapeutic art support to patients, survivors, and caregivers affected by cancer in the Greater Miami Valley region, starting right here in Hamilton.

Founded in the spirit of resilience and generosity (and maybe a little bit of defiance), The Gritty Canvas emerged from a personal battle with invasive ductal carcinoma, a common yet aggressive form of breast cancer.

In 2022, Janice faced a life-altering diagnosis at the age of 37, when the cancer was found to have spread to the lymph nodes, a development that significantly complicates treatment and prognosis. This moment, though fraught with uncertainty and fear, in conjunction with two other close family member’s cancer diagnoses sparked a fire within to forge a path to support others navigating similar daunting journeys.

The Gritty Canvas is not just a non-profit organization; it strives to create a third place for those touched by cancer, offering geographically convenient support, and a community that understands the physical, emotional, monetary, and psychological battles that accompany a cancer diagnosis.

The aim is clear: to provide tangible, non-clinical support to individuals affected by cancer. We make art, which provides the benefits of skill acquisition, mental well-being and emotional expression, as well as fostering a supportive network of others who’ve shared this journey.

The group is designed with the input of the community to enhance quality of life for our participants. While the primary goal is providing free-for-patient therapeutic art groups, I also hope to increase our impact by providing informational workshops and peer support.

Join us as we continue to paint a picture of hope and perseverance, transforming personal struggles into collective strength, and beautiful art!

the gritty canvas

a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Get in touch

Join us in creating community for those affected by cancer in the Greater Miami Valley. <3


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‪(513) 341-8030‬